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BBB A+ Rated Roofers
A Small Company With a BIG Reputation Serving Hudson County for 40+ Years
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Jersey City Historic Job

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Job Details
Removed and replaced entire main roof systems.
Firestone built-up modified roof system consisting of a self-adhered base sheet and granulated cap sheet.
Flashing will consist of a siplast para pro liquid resin with cloth fabric re-enforcement.
Built out the upper roof to create an overhang and a troth gutter system.
Replaced 2 existing skylights with a new curb mounted, double-domed insulated flat roof skylight.
Siplast liquid flashing, catalyst, and fleece along the base of the windows, inside the trough gutter where they meet the drops.
Install a custom-made small Scupper box copper, 2 on the bay roof and one on the lower back roof where it meets the airshaft.
install new Azek fascia on window bulkhead on top fascia all around its perimeter and between windows to the roofline.
Custom bent new heavy white fascia metal and install on the main roof outside perimeter.